Tuesday 26 July 2016

CLG highlights 2016: talks

This CLG year has boasted a bumper crop of exciting talks in a variety of lovely Cambridge locations.

For our AGM this year we ventured to Addenbrooke's for a fascinating talk by Anna Martin (@AnnaLMartin) about the process of publishing her book on the trail-blazing 19th-century science writer Dionysius Lardner. A fascinating tour of the Cambridge Medical Library followed, with the lovely Librarian Jo Milton filling us in on the dynamic service provided for both medical students and NHS staff.

We were lucky enough to spend an evening in the magical setting of the Heffer's Children's bookshop in the equally magical company of children's writer Helen Moss in February.  Helen gave a wonderful insight into the spirit of adventure that defines her popular Adventure Island and Secrets of the Tombs series and how her passion for travel, mystery, science (and seacumbers...) informs her work. All this whilst sipping complimentary wine and nibbles - perfect!

We ventured to the University Library in April and May for further wine and great talks from poet and crime writer Sophie Hannah and Senior Research Scientist at the Hamilton Kerr Institute, Dr Spike Bucklow. Despite her professed fear of university libraries, Sophie delivered a very funny and passionate talk about crime fiction interspersed with some hugely entertaining readings. A real treat for manuscript enthusiasts, Spike Bucklow offered a very exciting preview of a major forthcoming exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum, COLOUR: the Art and Science of Illuminated Manuscripts, focusing on his work on a fourteenth century manuscript featured in the display.

A huge thank you to all our speakers and all those who attended. Rest assured there's plenty more where these came from!